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Worship and Sacraments

All of the Sacraments and Pastoral Offices are fully described in the Book of Common Prayer.


Baptism at Saint James'

The Episcopal Baptism service is found in the Book of Common Prayer, page 299.

Baptism is the rite of initiation into the Christian community, what St. Paul calls “the body of Christ.” Baptism may happen at any age. We welcome all inquirers to contact the Rector about this important step of incorporation into the life of the Church. A preparation discussion with the Rector for parents is required.

Baptisms are not performed during Advent or Lent. Baptisms are generally celebrated in the context of our Sunday worship.

Please contact the Rector for more information.


Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion at Saint James' 

Episcopalians often use the word Eucharist instead of Communion. The prayer book says “The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament commanded by Christ for the continual remembrance of his life, death, and resurrection, until his coming again…. The Holy Eucharist is also called the Lord’s Supper, and Holy Communion; it is also known as the Divine Liturgy, the Mass, and the Great Offering.” It is a remembrance of the Last Supper when Jesus gave his disciples bread, saying, “This is my body.” and wine, saying, “This is my blood.”


Holy Communion at Saint James is open to all baptized Christians.


Parents are asked to assist their young children in receiving the bread. Non-baptized persons are invited to come to the rail for a blessing. To inquire about preparing children for receiving Holy Communion, speak to the Rector.



Confirmation at Saint James'

Confirmation is making an adult affirmation of faith, and through a bishop’s laying-on-of-hands, to embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit in one’s life to guide, comfort, and empower us for a life of Christian service.

At Saint James' we provide an opportunity for young adults to affirm their faith and deepen their connection to the Church beginning in Sunday school. Confirmation typically happens around grade 7th or 8th.


Adults may be confirmed at any age. The requirements are that you have been baptized and desire to follow Christ in an intentional way. Inquirers should speak to the Rector.


Those previously baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Lutheran churches need not be confirmed again; they may instead be “Received” into the Episcopal Church as those who have already experienced the laying on of hands by a bishop.


Confession at Saint James'

Confession (Reconciliation of a Penitent) is available by contacting the Rector. Confession is especially appropriate during penitential seasons like Lent. A general Confession is part of our regular Holy Eucharist service.


Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at Saint James'

The Episcopal marriage service is found in the Book of Common Prayer, page 435.

Thinking about being married at Saint James'? If you haven’t yet worshipped with us, we’d love to see you on a Sunday morning, and have you speak to the Rector following the service.


A discussion with our Rector and review of the Episcopal wedding service will help you decide if Saint James' is the right place for you to be married. A minimum of six months notice is suggested, and completion of pre-marital conversation is required.

Marriage Guidlines are available from the Rector.


Saint James' Ministry to the Sick

In case of illness or injury, notify the Rector as soon as possible. Prayers for healing are offered at our worship services and by our congregation. You may want to be included on our prayer list.


Funerals at Saint James'
The Episcopal service for Burial of the Dead is found in the Book of Common Prayer, Rite I page 469, Rite II page 491.

All baptized Christians are encouraged to plan for a funeral service in the church. Whether simple or elaborate, depending on one’s wishes, it is an important opportunity to care for those who are bereaved, and for the gathered community to celebrate the gift of the departed one’s life.


Caring for, commending to God, and celebrating the life of one who has died is an important ministry of the Church, and an opportunity for us as Christians to embrace the promise of resurrection. We encourage all Christ Church parishioners to make funeral plans long before they will be needed. It is a great help to your family, your clergy, and those who will be left to have instructions of what you want.


When a member of your family or a person for whom you have responsibility has died, contact the parish office. In the ideal situation, the clergy will have been notified earlier of an illness or life-threatening situation in order to provide pastoral care and guidance to the dying and their family.


Saint James' clergy will also conduct funeral home or graveside services for non-members; contact the Rector.


The Columbarium at Saint James'

The Cloister Garden/Columbarium is a peaceful and beautiful part of  St. James’ Church.


The original construction of 59 niches in the Columbarium was completely sold, and in 2007, 32 new niches were constructed.  Each niche is designed for the inurnment of the cremated remains of one or two individuals.  Twelve of the “newer” niches remain available for purchase.


The purchase of a niche includes perpetual maintenance; therefore, any work done in the Columbarium is already funded. Please contact the Rector for more information. 


St. James’ also maintains the church’s cemetery, on South Street.


Worship Schedule 

See Summer Service Times on main page 

SUNDAY SERVICES (Starting Sept 8th)

9:00 am: Holy Eucharist 

10:15 am: Sunday School 

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist with Choir

Live-Stream Available

Every Wednesday at 12noon 


Visit our YouTube page for previous services and other online content. 

  • , Goshen New York


Saint James' is the Episcopal Church in Goshen, New York.   All are welcome to visit, worship, or become members in our church. We are a Christian community in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition.  As members of the Body of Christ, we are dedicated to spiritual growth and committed to serving God through worship and service to our community and the world.


Jesus didn't reject people. Neither do we. 


All types of families and individuals are welcome!






1 Saint James' Place

Goshen, New York 


Church spring 2019


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  • , Goshen New York
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