All types of families and individuals are welcome!
Worship & Event Calendar (2024)
Sept 1st
Season of Creation: September 1 (the Feast of Creation) and ends on October 4 (St. Francis Day).
Diocesan Web Site:
Sept. 8th Return to Two Services 9am & 10:30am
Sept. 21 & 28 Diocesan Anti-Racism Workshop at St. James
Sept. 22nd Welcome Fall Picnic after 10:30am service at Paul & Waynes’ home, 234 Sarah Wells Trail, Goshen.
Oct. 6th Blessing of Pets 1pm, Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
November 23rd Christmas Fair
Anti-Racism Workshop
(Goshen- Saint James)
In Person on two consecutive Saturdays.
Saturday September 21
Saturday September 28
Sessions are scheduled from 9:00 AM to 4 PM with continental breakfast and lunch.
The diocesan Antiracism Workshop is a key initiative of the Diocesan Antiracism Committee. The workshop’s purpose is to help us become aware of how the sin of racism impacts ALL our lives, and how we al unconsciously and consciously participate in racist systems.
No fee to the members of the Diocese.
There are pre-workshop videos to watch, so register as soon as possible. –Fr. Carl+
To Register: Call the Church Office as Online Registration has closed. 845-294-6225
Upcoming Events
The Episcopal Church strives to live by the message of Jesus Christ in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome. Walking a middle way between Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions, we are a sacramental and worship oriented church that promotes thoughtful debate about what God is calling us to be as followers of Christ. We welcome you to join us as we seek to connect to both God and one another through love, compassion and service.
Saint James’ Church invites and encourages all to become involved in the life and ministries of our parish in ways that will enrich us as individuals and as a faith community. Our parish ministries and outreach programs allow us to sustain a practice of service that connects us to our neighbors both inside and outside our parish walls. Come, discover and serve!
Starting Sept. 8
9:00 am: Holy Eucharist
10:15 am: Sunday School
(Generally 1st & 3rd Sundays)
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist with Choir
Every Wednesday at 12noon
Visit our YouTube page for previous services and other online content.
We are glad to offer a You Tube livestream for our 10:30 am Sunday services.
To access the livestream, please follow the Linck below: